England Limited

Apostille Service

Get an online Apostille service for your company documents to be used legally in 92 countries.
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  3. Apostille Service


£220 + VAT

Incorporation Documents

Free *

* Once the Apostille process is completed, your documents will be delivered to your address by DHL Express within 5 working days.


What is an Apostille?

Apostille is an approval system that ensures the authenticity of a document and its legal use in another country. The rules of the Apostille were determined by the Hague Convention of 6 October 1961 and are valid only between states that are members or parties to the Hague Conference.

In which countries is the apostille valid?

Apostille is valid in the following 92 countries, including England and Turkey:

1- Germany
2- United States of America
3- Andorra
4- Antigua and Barbuda
5- Argentina
6- Albania
7- Austria
8- Australia
9- Azerbaijan
10- Bahama Islandsı
11- Barbados
12- Belgium
13- Belize
14- Belarus (Belarus)
15- Bosnia and Herzegovina
16- Botswana
17- Brunei
18- Bulgaria
19- Cook İSland Islandsı
20- Czech Republic
21- Çin People's Rep.
22- Denmark
23- Dominican Rep.
24- Equator
25- El Salvador
26- Armenia
27- Estonia
28- Fiji
29- Finland
30- France
31- Grenada
32- South Africa
33- Georgia
34- Croatia
35- India
36- Netherlands
37- Honduras
38- İEngland
39- İIreland
40- İSpain
41- İIsrael
42- İsviçre
43- İsveç
44- İIzland
45- İItaly
46- Japan
47- Kıbrıs Greek Region
48- On landğ
49- Kazakhstan
50- Colombia
51- Republic of Korea
52- Lesotho
53- Latvia
54- Liberia
55- Poland
56- Lithuania
57- Luxembourg
58- Hungary
59- Macedonia
60- Malawi
61- Malta
62- Marshal Islandsı
63- Mauritius
64- Mexico
65- Monaco
66- Moldova
67- Namibia
68- Niue
69- Norway
70- Panama
71- Poland
72- Portugal
73- Romania
74- Russian Federation
75- St. Vincent and Granada
76- Samoa
77- San Marino
78- Santa Kitts and Nevis
79- Santa Lucia
80- Seyşhands
81- Serbia
82- Slovakia
83- Suriname
84- Slovenia
85- Swaziland
86- Tonga
87- Trinidad and Tobago
88- Turkey
89- Ukraine
90- Venezuela
91- New Zealand
92- Greece

How is the Apostille processed?

Company documents are authenticated by our partner law office in England and sent to the Legalisation Office and the Apostille process is completed within 3 working days.

How will I receive my Apostille documents?

Once the Apostille process is completed, your documents will be shipped to the delivery address you specify by DHL Express and delivered to your address within 5 working days at the latest.

For which documents can I benefit from Apostille service?

As England Limited, we only provide Apostille service for the documents published about the company on the official website of Companies House, https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/.

Are you ready to set up your limited company?

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