England Limited

Company Dissolution

No longer need your company registered in the United Kingdom? Let us dissolve your company with Companies House for you.
  1. Services
  2. /
  3. Company Dissolution


£60 + VAT

Preparing DS01 Form

Dissolution Fee

Official Strike-off Document

Pricing applies to clients who have the Basic package or have incorporated their own company.




Preparing DS01 Form

Dissolution Fee

Official Strike-off Document

The company dissolution service is free of charge for clients with the Pro package.


What is the Company Dissolution service?

The Company Dissolution service provides the termination of all activities of the company registered in the United Kingdom by contacting Companies House. Only clients with a UK registered company can benefit from this service.

Is the Company Dissolution service free?

For clients who have the Basic package or have incorporated their own company, the service is chargeable. £30 + VAT shall be paid to dissolve the company. However, this service is free of charge for clients with the Pro package.

What is included in the Company Dissolution service?

This service includes preparing the DS01 form required for the company dissolution, paying the fee required to process the application by Companies House, and providing the official strike-off document.

What does it take to dissolve the company?

Company dissolution requires the 6-digit authentication code of the company registered in the UK, provided by Companies House. Companies that do not have this authentication code cannot benefit from this service.

How long does it take for companies to be dissolved?

As of the date of the application for the dissolution of the company, Companies House grants a 2-month objection period. If there is no objection against the dissolution of the company within this period, the company shall be dissolved within 4 weeks after the objection period ends.

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