England Limited

Free Domain Name

Register your free .com or .co.uk domain name included in the formation packages!
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  3. Free Domain Name



International Company Identity

Detailed DNS Management

The .com domain is free for 1 year. The domain name must be registered within 30 days with the reference code to be given after the company formation. At the end of the first year, the domain name must be renewed.




United Kingdom Company Identity

Detailed DNS Management

The .co.uk domain is free for 1 year. The domain name must be registered within 30 days with the reference code to be given after the company formation. At the end of the first year, the domain name must be renewed.


How can I benefit from the free domain name service?

Our free domain name service is included in the formation packages. You can register your free .com or .co.uk domain name after the company incorporation service you will receive through England Limited.

How will I register my domain name?

Once your company has been incorporated, a reference code will be given in the document named Free Domain Name, which will be available among the incorporation documents. You can register your free .com or .co.uk domain name using this reference code through the partner domain name provider company.

Does the referral code have an expiration date?

In order to benefit from the free domain name service, you must use your reference code within 30 days at the latest after your company has been incorporated. Otherwise, your referral code will expire later.

Is there a difference between .com and .co.uk?

Functionally, there is no difference between the two domains. However, it will be useful to choose according to the company identity you want to create. We recommend choosing .com if you want to create an international identity profile for your company, or .co.uk if you want to highlight that your company is registered in the United Kingdom.

How long will the domain name be free?

Your domain name is only free for the first year. It must be then renewed every year. One year after the registration of your domain name, you must pay the renewal fee to the domain provider company.

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